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today's Flags

historical Flags

Meaning/Origin of the Flag

Coat of Arms

Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms

Aircraft Roundel


Numbers and Facts


Origin of the Country's Name

today's Flags

Flagge Fahne flag Argentinien Argentina Argentine Argentine Republic Nationalflagge Handelsflagge
National and merchant flag,
(to 1985 only),
ratio = 2:3,
Quelle, nach: Corel Draw 4, Flaggen und Wappen, Das farbige Flaggenlexikon, Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge Fahne flag Argentinien Argentina Argentine Argentine Republic Staatsflagge Marineflagge
State and naval flag,
(to 1985 only, today also national and merchant flag),
ratio = 2:3,
Quelle, nach: Corel Draw 4, Flaggen und Wappen, Das farbige Flaggenlexikon, Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge Fahne flag Argentinien Argentina Argentine Argentine Republic Gösch naval jack
ratio = 6:7,
Quelle, nach: Corel Draw 4, Flaggen und Wappen, Das farbige Flaggenlexikon, Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge Fahne flag Argentinien Argentina Argentine Argentine Republic Präsident President
Flag of the President,
ratio = 3:4,
Source: Corel Draw 4, Flaggen und Wappen, Flags of the World


historical Flags

Flagge flag Vizekönigreich Peru Viceroyalty Vicekingdom Peru
to 1785,
Flag of the Viceroyalty of Peru and naval and war flag
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge flag Spanien Spain
Flag of Spain and flag of the Viceroyalty of Peru,
Source, by: World Statesmen

Flagge Fahne flag Argentinien Argentina Argentine Argentine Republic
National flag,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: World Statesmen


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

The flag was officially introduced on the 27th of February, 1812. It was designed by General Manuel Belgrano and shows three horizontal stripes in pale blue, white and pale blue, and the state flag shows the "May Sun" in the middle of the white stripe since the 25th of Feb. 1818. The "May Sun" is a national symbol, which remembers the 25th of May in 1810, a day with a great demonstration on the market of the capital, when there were handed over some claims to the Viceroy. Initially, the sky was overcast, after announcing the claims the clouds opened and the sun began to shine. According to other sources General Belgrano had been inspired during the Battle of Paraná to that picture, as he looked to the sky and into the sun. In reality, the sun symbol is much older. It is the Inka sun, it stands for Inti, the son of the creator Viracocha. About the origin of the Flag and about the meaning of the colours there in principle exist two theories, the first is valid as official but the second is probably.

1) The colours go back to the blue-white cockades, which where allocated at the onset of the struggle for freedom on the 25th of May, 1810. The ”May Sun” is also a reminder of this day, which was adopted into the state and naval flag, the jack und into the coat of arms of the state. Blue stands for the sky, white for the snow covered peaks of the Andes. The design of the flag pictures the position of the South American mainland between both large oceans.

2) The flag of Argentina is the very detailed image of an apron like the Freemasons of the "blue" lodges use it in the first three ranks (apprentice, journeyman, master) during their ritual works: white with an azure border and on-stitched one to three suns, per according to the rank. General Belgrano was a Freemason – like in this years all freedom heros in North and South America (e.g. the Generals Jose San Martin, George Washington, Simon Bolivar and Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben). The most important centres of the anti-feudal acting of the Freemasons were at that time the Paris Lodge "Les Neuf Soeurs" and the Lodge "Lautaro" in Buenos Aires. The suspicion is obvious that Belgrano want from begin on nothing other then to introduce the image of an apron as flag of the free La Plata (since 1826 named Argentina).

Originally, the version of the flag with the sun in the middle was used only as a war flag (naval flag). From 1884 it was also to be used on public buildings and thus it became also the state flag. The version of the flag without the sun in the middle was the national and merchant flag. Since 1985, citizens have also been allowed to use the flag with the sun. The division between the state and naval flags on the one hand and the national and merchant flags on the other is therefore obsolete.

The shades of the colours of the flag are defined, most recently with the IRAM standard / Decree 1650/10 of November 2010, which specifies values, including as LAB or Pantone colours: Yellow/gold = Pantone 1235 c, light blue = Pantone 284 c and also brown = Pantone 1685 c.

Source, by:
1) Die Welt der Flaggen, Flaggen Wappen Hymnen, Flaggen und Wappen der Welt, Alle Flaggen alle Staaten
2) Hans-Peter Meinzer, Translator of the English text: Joachim Nuthack
3) Wikipedia (D)
4) Wikipedia (EN)


Coat of Arms

Wappen coat of arms Argentinien Argentina Argentine
Coat of arms of Argentina,
Source: Corel Draw 4


Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of Argentina was adopted in 1813, and it was confirmed in today's form by the decree of the 24th of April, 1944. Its roots lie in the seal, which was in use by the parliament of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata on the 13th of March, 1813. It shows on blue above silver (white) a brown stick with a red freedom cap (Jacobin cap, Phrygian cap), held by two in a handshake united arms in the foot of the shield, surrounded by a laurel wreath with a blue ribbon atthe bottom, and the golden ”May Sun” at the top. Both, sun and cap, symbolize freedom.

Source, by: Die Welt der Flaggen, Flaggen Wappen Hymnen, Flaggen und Wappen der Welt, Translator of the English text: Joachim Nuthack


Aircraft Roundel

Flugzeugkokarde Kokarde aircraft roundel Argentinien Argentina Argentine
Aircraft roundel,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)




Source: CIA World Factbook

Map of the country:

Source: CIA World Factbook


Numbers and Facts

Area: 1.072.158 square miles

Inhabitants: 44.694.200 (2018), thereof 90% of European descent (including ca. 1.250.000 Germans and German descendants), 3% native Indians and Mestizos, 2% Arabs

Density of Population: 42 inh./sq.mi.

Religions: 80% Roman Catholic, 5% Protestant, 2% Muslim, 1% Jewish

Capital: Buenos Aires, 2.890.151 inh. (2010)

official Language: Spanish

other Languages: Italian, German, Welsh, Quechua, Guarani, Basque and Arabic

Currency: 1 Argentine Peso = 100 Centavos

Time Zone: GMT – 3 h

Source: Wikipedia (D)



1516 · discovery of the Rio de La Plata

1536 · start of the Spanish Colonization, to the Viceroyalty of Peru

1776 · Viceroyalty La Plata

25th of May 1810 · overthrow of the Vice-Roy

9th of July 1816 · independence

24th of Dec.1826 · founding of the Argentine Republic

1852–1861 · civil war

1865–1870 · war against Paraguay

1982 · Falkland War against Great Britain

Source, by: Wikipedia (D), Atlas zur Geschichte


Origin of the Country's Name

This country was first called "La Plata" and was a Spanish viceroyalty. The name was transferred from the river "Rio de la Plata – The Silver River" to the country. Later, the river was, however, renamed in "Rio Paraná", and the country was called now "Argentina". That means "The silver country," because it derives from the Latin word "Argentum", what means "silver". This name became officially not until 1826 .

Source, by: Handbuch der geographischen Namen




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Kindly supported by: Hans-Peter Meinzer