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Numbers and Facts


Flagge Fahne flag Batwa Twa
National flag,
Source, by: UNPO


Numbers and Facts

The about 20.000 Batwa are scattered over Rwanda..

Geography, population, language: Batwa is located in central East Africa, in present-day Rwanda. The Batwa are the indigenous inhabitants of Rwanda. Today's Batwa population, based on the census of the UNPO end of 1994, is between 10.000 and 20.000. In 1994, before genocide and war, there was in Rwanda 7.3 millions inhabitants. The Batwa accounted for 0.4%, about 20.000 people. The Hutu and the Tutsi were 85% and 14% of the total population. Like all Rwandans speak the Batwa Kinjarwanda.

Organizations: The Society for the Promotion of Batwa (APB) represents the Batwa in the UNPO. The Community of Indigenous Peoples of Rwanda (CAURWA) combines three existing organizations, including the APB.

Economy: The main industry is the pottery. Main exports are coffee, tea and tin.

Current situation: The Batwa continue to suffer the consequences of the genocide. The reparation and rehabilitation of the Batwa community is slowly and with great difficulty. The situation of the refugees has not improved. Acts of disrespect and violence, especially by former Rwandan soldiers and militia, are in the camps on the agenda.

Source: UNPO



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