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Germany 1945–1949

Flagge Fahne flag Deutsches Reich German Empire Deutschland Germany Stander C Burgee C Signalflagge Kapitulation Signal Flag Capitulation
Flag for ships,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Meaning/Origin of the Flag

The since 1945 by order of the allies by german ships to used flag is corresponding to the Burgee C of the signal-flag alphabet. Behind this conceals the humiliating intention to let ride german ships on the oceans only with the letter C, standing for Capitulation. Costa Rica made an appeal against this practice, because it is self using such a flag as national flag. In this way they have the c-flag rectangular carved on the flying end.

Source: Volker Preuß

"Germany will not be occupied for the purpose of liberation but as a defeated enemy nation."
US-american Directive of Occupation JCS 1067




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