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Historical Flags

Meaning/Origin of the Flag

Coat of Arms

Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms

Aircraft Roundel


Numbers and Facts


Origin of the Country's Name

Swan Islands


Colour and arrangement official:

Flagge Fahne state merchant national flag National flag Merchant flag Honduras

National state and merchant flag,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Wikipedia (ES)

Flagge Fahne naval flag Naval flag Honduras
Naval flag,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Wikipedia (DE)

Colour and arrangement in practice:

Flagge Fahne state merchant national flag National flag Merchant flag Honduras
National state and merchant flag,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Wikipedia (ES)

Flagge Fahne naval flag Naval flag Honduras
Naval flag,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Wikipedia (ES)


Historical Flags

Flagge Fahne flag Spanien Spain Habsburg Vizekönigreich Neuspanien Viceroyalty of New Spain
16th century to 1785,
to the Spanish sphere of influence,
Quelle, nach: Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge flag Spanien Spain
to the Spanish sphere of influence,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge Fahne flag Mexiko Mexico
Honduras belongs to Mexico,
ratio = 2:3

Flagge Fahne flag Vereinigte Provinzen von Mittelamerika United Provinces of Central Amerika
National flag of the United Provinces of Central Amerika,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: Wikipedia (D)

Flagge fahne flag Zentralamerikanische Konföderation Central American Confederation
National flag of the Central American Confederation,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: Wikipedia (D)

Flagge Fahne state merchant national flag National flag Merchant flag Honduras
National state and merchant flag,
ratio = 3:5,
Source, by: Wikipedia (ES)

Flagge Fahne state merchant national flag National flag Merchant flag Honduras
National state and merchant flag,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Wikipedia (ES)

Flagge Fahne state merchant national flag National flag Merchant flag Honduras
National state and merchant flag,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Wikipedia (ES)

Flagge Fahne state merchant national flag National flag Merchant flag Honduras
Proposal in Maya Blue,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Wikipedia (ES)


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

Honduras became in the year 1823 a member of the Central American Confederation and took over the blue-white-blue lengthwise striped flag. Even after the end of the confederation in the year 1838/1839 this flag was maintained in Honduras. In the year 1866 five stars were attached for the first time in the middle of the flag, the tips of which could sometimes point downwards. The coat of arms on the naval and war flag was added below by five in a semicircle arranged blue stars. Those should exactly like the stars in that in the same year introduced national flag remember the five states of the Central American Confederation. The flag in her today's form was introduced on the 18the of January in 1949, after the changing of the flag's ratio into 1:2.

The colour of the flag was never exactly defined, but was specified as "blue" from 1866 (Decree-Law No. 7 of 16th of February 1866) and "turquoise" from 1949 (Decree-Law No. 29 of 26th of January 1949). The consequence of this is that in practice the shade of blue can be very different, up to medium blue and dark blue. Dark blue was also used officially, especially between the 1930s and 1950s. Apparently, the shade of blue has always been a subject of discussion, precisely to comply with the wording of Decree-Law No. 29. In September 2018, it was proposed to use Maya blue (HEX: #73C2FB, RBG: 115|194|251, CMYK: 55|13|0|0, pt 2915 c). The National Autonomous University of Honduras proposed a blue in September 2020, HEX: #00BCE4 (RBG: 0|188|228, CMYK: 71|0|9|0, pt 306 c), which was confirmed by the government in 2021. On 4th January 2022, the Honduran Armed Forces introduced its own version of the shade of blue as "yellow blue" (RBG: 85|180|176, CMYK: 66|4|35|1, pt 7472 c), knowing that this would satisfy the wording of the 1949 law as "turquoise blue".

The arrangement of the five stars is also not regulated. Historically, the arrangement as a rectangle (almost square) has been handed down since 1866. The Decree-Law No. 29 of 26th of January 1949 states: "They form a rectangle with four of them parallel to the stripes, the rest being placed in the centre of the same quadrilateral". From this, however, it is now deduced that the rectangle of stars should have the same aspect ratios as the flag, namely 1:2, which is adopted as such on official depictions. In practice, this has not been accepted; the 1866 shape is still used and also the dark blue.

Source: Volker Preuß by: Wikipedia (D), Wikipedia (ES), Flags of the World, World Statesmen


Coat of Arms

Wappen coat of arms Honduras
Coat of arms of Honduras,
Source: Corel Draw 4


Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms

The coat of arms – which is only to see in a very small version on the naval flag – showa a triangular pyramid in an oval shield. It should symbolize equality and freedom. Two towers to the left and on the right of a volcano stand for independence and readiness for defence. The arrows above the shield remember the native Indian residents of the country. The cornucopias, the mines and the tools stand for the natural wealth and the mineral ressources of the country.

Source: Flaggen Wappen Hymnen


Aircraft Roundel

Flugzeugkokarde Kokarde aircraft roundel Honduras
Aircraft Roundel,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)




Source: CIA World Factbook

Map of the country:

Source: CIA World Factbook


Numbers and Facts

Area: 43.277 square miles

Inhabitants: 9.700.000 (2019), thereof 90% Mestizos, 7% native Indians, 2% of African descent, 1% Europeans

Religions: 47% Roman Catholic, 41% Protestant

Density of Population: 224 inh./sq.mi.

Capital: Tegucigalpa, 1.055.729 inh. (2013)

official Language: Spanish

other Languages: Creole English

Currency: 1 Lempira (HNL, L) = 100 Centavos

Time Zone: GMT – 6 h

Source: Wikipedia (D), CIA World Factbook



1502 · Columbus discovers the coast of Honduras

1524 · beginning of the Spanish capture and colonization by Olid and Cortés

1535 · establishment of the Vice Kingdom of New Spain, which Central America (and therewith even the today's Honduras) gets affiliated as "General Capitanate of Guatemala"

15th of September 1821 · Honduras declares its independence from Spain

1822 · Honduras joines the Empire of Mexico

1823 · after the overthrow of the Mexican emperor gets the connexion to Mexico untied, and the states of the former General Capitanate of Guatemala combine to the "United Provinces of Central America" (Central American Confederation)

1838 · Honduras leaves the Central American Confederation

1838–1895 · phase of permanent coups d'état and civil wars

1860 · the US-American adventurer and pirate William Walker trys to take over the rule in Honduras, he becomes stoped and arrested by united Central American troops, and executed on the 12th of September in 1860 in Trujillo

1895–1898 · Honduras constitutes together with Nicaragua and El Salvador the Great Republic of Central America

1905 · US-American military intervention

1907 · defeat in the war against Nicaragua

1907 · US-American military intervention

1909–1911 · civil war

1911 · US-American military intervention

1913 · US-American military intervention

1924 · US-American military intervention, the USA occupy the Swan Islands – also named Islas del Cisne or Islas Santanilla – and establish there a military base

1963 · military coup d'état

1969 · 13 days enduring „soccer war” between Honduras and El Salvador

1971 · the USA cede the Swan Islands back to Honduras

1978 · military coup d'état

1980 · democratic reforms

1981 · first presidency elections, changing governments in the period that followed

1981 · establishment of the US military base Palmerola Air Base

2009 · military coup, elections, changing governments in the period that followed

2010 · establishment of US military naval base Caratasca Lagoon

Source: Atlas zur Geschichte, Discovery '97, Wikipedia (D)


Origin of the Country's Name

The name of the country goes back to the Spanish term "Las Honduras", which translated means "the depths" what refers to the lowlands in the northeast of the country.

Source: Handbuch der geographischen Namen


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