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Empire of the Karakhanids




Numbers and Facts


Flagge Fahne flag Karachaniden Karakhanids Kara-Khanid
alleged flag of the Empire of Karakhanids,
Thanks to: Faruk Tezer,
Source, by:


Numbers and Facts

The Empire of the Karachanides – with the City of Samarkand as center – arised in the beginning of the 11th century as a state of western Turkish nations in context with the fall of the Arabic Califate. In the middle of the 11th century it already includes a huge area, approximately on the territories of the today's states Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, the outer south of Kazakhstan and the west of Eastern Turkestan. In the year 1089 the Seldshukes conquered the country.

Map/Source: Freeware, University of Texas Libraries,
modyfied by: Volker Preuß


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