This site is part of the Flag-Finder, it will help you to recognize a seen flag or banner, to find, to assign and to identify it by a semiotic filter out of 3.500 flags.


vertically striped with other signs

1949-1971 · national flag
Maldive Islands
1903–1926 · national flag
Maldive Islands
1926–1953 · national flag
Maldive Islands
1926–1953(?) · merchant flag
Maldive Islands
1926–1953 · state flag
Maldive Islands
1926–1953(?) · offshore state flag
Maldive Islands
1953–1965 · national and state flag
Maldive Islands
1954–1965 · flag of the Sultan
St. Vincent
1979–1985 · national, state and merchant flag
1992–1997 · national, state, merchant and war flag

