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Numbers and Facts

Origin of the Country's Name


Flagge Fahne flag Lappland Lapland Lapps Lappen Sápmi Sami Samland Samen Lappi Sapme Sapmi Sápmi
flag of the Lapps,
Seitenverhältnis = 2:3,
Quelle/Source: "Lappland – Richtig Reisen" Dumont-Verlag, 1994, Michael Möbius und Annette Ster, S. 63., ISBN: 3-7701-2857-5,


Numbers and Facts

Area of the landscape Lappland: 123.550 square miles

Inhabitants: 2.000.000, thereof ca. 100.000 Lapps (Sami)

Hauptstadt: none

Languages: Samic (80% of the Lapps speak Northern Samic), Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian

Samisch = Eastern Samic: Kola Samic, Skolt Samic, Inari Samic / Western Samic: Northern Samic, Lule Samic, Pite Samic, Ume Samic, Southern Samic

Quelle/Source: Wikipedia (EN)


Origin of the Country's Name

The name "Lapland" goes back to the people of the "Lapps". The denomination "Lapps" descends from the Swedish and means "rag" or "patch" and is for that reason not use by the Lapps themselves and is seen as not very flattering. The Lapps name itself "Sapme" or "Sapmelash", what means "morass people " from where arised the some more modern denomination "Sami" for that people.

Quelle/Source: Handbuch der geographischen Namen, Die Völker der Erde




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