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Historical Flags

Meaning/Origin of the Flag

Coat of Arms

Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms


Map of the Federal States of Malysia

Numbers and Facts



Flagge Fahne flag National flag Malakka Malacca Melaka
Flag of Malacca,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Flags of the World


Historical Flags

Flagge Fahne Flag Großbritannien Vereinigtes Königreich United Kingdom UK Great Britain Naval jack jack State flag state
Union Flag → quasi National flag,
Flag of United Kingdom,
ratio = 1:2,
Source: Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge Fahne flag Straits Settlements
Malacca is part of the Straits Settlements,
Flag of the government (state flag),
ratio – ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Straits Settlements
Malacca is part of the Straits Settlements,
Flag of the government (state flag),
ratio – ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Straits Settlements
Malacca is part of the Straits Settlements,
Flag of the government (state flag),
ratio – ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Straits Settlements
Malacca is part of the Straits Settlements,
Flag of the government (state flag),
ratio – ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Japan
Malacca is occupied by Japan,
ratio – ratio = 7:10,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge Fahne flag National flag Malakka Malacca Melaka
Flag of the government (state flag),
ratio – ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Flags of the World


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

The flag of Malacca was created in 1961 remembers in its designing the flag of the Malay federation. The colours of the flag are to interprete similarly and in twice ways like the colours of the Malay federation flag:
• Red and white are the Malay national colours, yellow represents the state hisself, blue remembers the long British influence. Star and crescent are Islamic symbols.
• Yellow stands for the state and the colours blue, white and red have their roots in the colours of Great Britain. Star and crescent are Islamic symbols.

Source: Flags of the World, Flaggen Wappen Hymnen, Wikipedia (EN)


Coat of Arms

Wappen Coat of Arms Malacca Malakka Melaka
Coat of arms of Malacca,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)


Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of Malacca shows the colors of the Federation of Malaysia. The blue head of the shield shows five daggers (Kris), they represent the five legendary warriors of the ancient Sultanate of Malacca. The tree in the middle is the melaka tree to which Parameswara was leaned, the founder of the city, when he saw one of his hunting dogs being thrown into the water by a mouse-deer. Parameswara found this so significant that he – the refugee from Singapore – decided to found a city here: Melaka. The mouse-deer appears to the left and right side of the coat of arms as supporters. Above the shield are placed crescent and star, they stand for the Islam, the official state religion. The blue banner below the blazon shows the name and the motto of the country in Latin letters and Arabic Jawi characters. The motto is "Bersatu Teguh", which means translated "strength in unity".

Source: Wikipedia (EN)



Größere Karte anzeigen

Map of the Federal States of Malysia

clickable Map
interaktive Landkarte

Map: Volker Preuß, to Malaysia? → click or tap here


Numbers and Facts

Area: 638 square miles

Inhabitants: 998.428 (2020), thereof 67% Malays, 26% Chinese, 6% Indian

Religions: 66% Muslim, 24% Buddhist, 5% Hindu, 3% Christian, 0,2% Non-Religious

Density of Population: 1.565 inh./sq.mi.

Capital: Malakka, 579.000 inh. (2012)

official Language: Malaysian

other Languages: Chinese, English

Currency: Malaysian currency

Time Zone: GMT + 8 h

Source: Wikipedia (EN), Wikipedia (DE)



7th–12th cent. · to the Shrividjaja Empire

14th–15th cent. · to the MadjapahitEmpire

15th cent. · State of Malakka

1511 · Malacca is conquered by Portugal

1641 · Dutch conquest

1795 · British conquest

1818 · Dutch seizure

1824 · British-Dutch treaty of London for demarcation of the spheres of interest in the area of the Malaysian Archipelago, Great Britain gets Malaya and the north of Borneo Island (the today’s Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei), the Netherlands get the today's Indonesia, exchange of territories: the British East India Company cedes Benkulen to the Netherlands, the Netherlands cede Malacca to the British East India Company

14th of August 1826 · Singapore becomes joined with Penang and Malacca to the colony of the "Straits Settlements" under the supremacy of the British East India Company, seat of government is Gerorgetown on Pinang Island

1832 · the seat of government of the Straits Settlements becomes transfered from Penang to Singapore

1858 · the administration of the Straits Settlements becomes handed over to British India

1st of April 1867 · the Straits Settlements become a British crown colony

1941 · Japanese conquest

1945 · withdrawal of the Japanese

1st of April 1946 · formation of the Malay Union by confederation of the Malaysian Sultanates (British protectorates) and the Straits Settlements (British crown colonies), but without Singapore. Malacca becomes in this way an independent Malay State as a British protectorate within the Union.

1948 · re-organization of the Malaysian Union, creation of the Malaysian Federation under a British High Commissioner

31st of August 1957 · independence and proclamation of the Kingdom of Malaysian Federation

16th of September 1963 · proclamation of the Kingdom of Malaysia by confederation of the Malaysian Federation (Malaya) with the former British colonies Sarawak, Sabah (North Borneo) and Singapore. Brunei rejects the joining and remains at Great Britain

9th of August 1965 · Singapore leaves the Federation of Malaysia

Source: Atlas zur Geschichte, Wikipedia (EN), Die Welt im bunten Flaggenbild


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