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Bear Island




Numbers and Facts


Origin of the Country's Name


Bear Island has no own flag. There is in use the flag of Norway:

Bäreninsel Bjørnøya Bear Island Beeren-Eiland Flagge Fahne flag Flagg National flag Merchant flag Norge Norway Norwegen
National and merchant flag of Norway,
ratio = 8:11,
Source, by: Corel Draw 4


Numbers and Facts

Area: 69 sq.mi.

Inhabitants: ca. 9, = crew of the station of Herwighamna

official Language: Norwegian

Currency: Norwegian currency

Time Zone: GMT + 1 h

Source: Wikipedia (DE)



1596 · discovery by the Dutch seafarer Willem Barents

1898 · appropriation by the a German Empire

9th of February 1920 · Statute of Spitzbergen, Bear Island becomes affiliated to Spitzbergen and in this way to Norway

1943 · Second World War, installation of a German radio station, years later establishment of a manned Norwegian radio station

Source: Wikipedia (DE)


Origin of the Country's Name

The name "Bear Island" probably goes back to polar bears living here, because when the island was discovered by the Dutch navigator Willem Barents in 1596, he called it Beeren-Eiland because his men had killed a polar bear there.

Source: Wikipedia (DE)




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