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Historical Flags

Meaning/Origin of the Flag

Coat of Arms

Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms

Numbers and Facts


Origin of the Country's Name


Flagge Fahne flag National flag State flag national flag state flag Palästina Palestine
National flag,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: Flags of the World, Corel Draw 4

Flagge Fahne flag Palästina Palestine Präsident President
Flag of the President,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Palästina Palestine Fatah
Flag of Fatah,
Source, by: MrPenguin20,
CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Flagge Fahne flag Palästina Palestine Hamas
Flag of Hamas,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: Guilherme Paula, Oren neu dag,
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Historical Flags

Flagge Fahne Flag Großbitannien Vereinigtes Königreich United Kingdom UK Great Britain Naval jack jack State flag state
Flag of United Kingdom,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge, Fahne, flag, Palästina, Palestine, British mandate
Flag of the government (state flag),
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge, Fahne, flag, Merchant flag, merchant, Palästina, Palestine, British mandate
Merchant flag,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Flags of the World


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

The colour quartet of four, green, white, black and red is a special Arabian colours symbol, the Panarabian colours. This colours were officially introduced by Hussein the Sheriff of Mekka – of the lineage of the Hashemides – as colours of the Arabian Movement in the First World War during the secession of the Kingdom of Hedjas from the Ottoman Empire. The flag of Hedjas served as pattern. The colours have the following meaning: Red is the colour of Omar, the second calif; white stands for the Omajiades, a calif-dynasty, which goes back to the fifth calif Moawija I.; green stands for the Fatimides, a ismailitic-shiit calif-dynasty, which goes back to the fourth calif Ali; and black stands for the Abbasides, a calif-dynasty, which goes back to the calif Abbas I. Red is also the colour of the Hashemides, an Arabian sovereign-dynasty, which probably goes back to Hashim ibn Abd al-Manaf, the grandfather of Mohammed.

Source: Die Welt der Flaggen


Coat of Arms

Wappen Coat of Arms Palästina Palestine Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde Palestinian National Authority
Palestinian National Authority
Coat of arms of Palestine,
Source: Corel Draw 4


Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of Palestine, like it is used by the Palestinian National Authority, is a silvery Eagle of Saladin. On the chest it carrys a shield with the colours of the flag. In the claws of the eagle a banner with the name of the state.

Source: Volker Preuß


Numbers and Facts

Area (claimed): ca. 2 448 square miles, thereof West Bank ca. 2.168 sq.mi., Gaza Stripe ca. 141 sq.mi., East Jerusalem ca. 15 sq.mi.

Area (de facto): ca. 788 square miles, thereof 100% of the Gaza Stripe, and 30% of the West Bank (namely the places: Jenin, Tulkarm, Qalquilyah, Nablus, Ramallah, Salfit, Jericho, Bethlehem and Hebron)

Inhabitants (in the claimed area): 4.976.684 (2019), davon Westjordanland ca. 3.010.000 Ew., Gazastreifen ca. 1.940.000 Ew.

Religions of the Palestinians: mostly Muslims, approx. 1 % Christians

Capital: Ramallah, 33.218 inh. (2014)

official Language: Arabic

other Languages: Iwrith (New Hebrew), English

Currency: 1 New Israel Shekel (NIS) = 100 Agorot, 1 Jordan Dinar (JOD, JD) = 100 Piaster, 1 Egyptian Pound = 100 Piasters = 1 000 Milliemes

Time Zone: GMT + 2 h

Source: Wikipedia (D)



Oldest Stone Age · human settlement

7th millenary B.C. · first urban settlements (Jericho)

3rd millenary B.C. · nascence of Town States, settlement by Semitic people (Canaanitans)

2nd millenary B.C. · flowering period of the Canaanitan culture, influence by the Hittites and Egyptians

14th und 12th cent. B.C. · settlement of the inland region by Israelits (Jews) and of the coast by Philistines

11th bis 7th cent. B.C. · State of Phoenicia on the coast

10. cent. B.C. · Kingdom of Israel

926 B.C. · division of the Kingdom of Israel in Israel and Judah

721 B.C. · conquest of Israel and Judah by the Assyrians

597 B.C. · conquest of Israel and Judah by the Babylonians

540 B.C. · conquest of Israel and Judah by the Persians

332 B.C. · conquest of Israel and Judah by the Greek (Alexander the Great)

323 B.C. · death of Alexander, the Greek Empire disintegrates in individual states which are lead by former army leaders of Alexander (Diadochi), Israel and Juda come to Laomedon, the Diadochos of Syria

ca. 200 B.C. · conquest of Israel and Judah by Egypt

63 B.C. · conquest by the Roman Empire, formation of the Province of Judea

ca. 5 B.C. to ca. 30 A.D. · live and act of Jesus Christ, expansion of the Christianity

70 A.D. · destruction of the jewish state by the Roman Empire, expulsion of the jews

135 A.D. · revolt of Bar Kochba, Province of Judea becomes renamed in Palestine

395 · at the partition of the Roman Empire comes Palestine to the East Roman Empire (Byzantium)

614 · conquest by the Persians

636 · conquest and islamization by the Arabs under Omar

1070 · conquest of Palestine by the Islamic Seljuks, Christian sacrariums become violated, Christs become haunted and it is not allowed for them to come in the land (e.g. pilgrimages to Yerusalem)

1095 · Pope Urban II. appeal in Clermont-Ferrand to war against the Seljuks with the target of conquest and in this way free access to the Holy Land of Palestine

1096–1099 · 1st crusade, conquest of Yerusalem and Palestine, establishment of crusader's states (1081 Kingdom of Lesser Armenia, 1098 Principality of Antiochia, 1098 County of Edessa, 1099 Kingdom of Yerusalem, 1102 County of Tripolis)

1146 · conquest of the County of Edessa by the Seljuks

1147–1149 · 2nd crusade to win back the County of Edessa, failure

1187 · conquest of Yerusalem by Saladin Sultan of Egypt and Syria

1189–1192 · 3rd crusade to win back Yerusalem, military partial successes, Yerusalem remains in the hands of Saladin

1202–1204 · 4th crusade, conquest of Constantinopel, foundation of the Latin Empire (1204-1261), Yerusalem remains in the hands of Saladin

1228–1229 · 5th crusade, the German Emperor Frederick II. gains in 1229 by negotiations the handover of Yerusalem to the Christs

1244 · conquest of Yerusalem by the Islamic Sultanes of Mossul (Zengides)

1248–1254 · 6th crusade, battles in Egypt and Tunis, failure

1250 · the Mamluks take over the power in Egypt and Palestine

1270 · 7th crusade, failure

1291 · the last fortifications of the crusaders become conquered (Tortosa, Beirut, Sidon, Tyrus, Akkon)

1517 · conquest of the Empire of the Mamluks (Egypt, Palestine, Syria) by the Ottoman Empire

16th cent. · immigration of Jews

1831–1840 · Mehmed Ali of Egypt occupies Palestine

1862 · development of the Zionism as jewish national movement, as a result of that immigration of Jews

1914–1918 · First World War, Palestine becomes conquered by British troops from southern direction between 1916 and 1918, the former Ottoman possessions in Arabia become partitioned between Saudi-Arabia, United Kingdom and France

1917 · Balfour-Declaration – United Kingdom demands large parts of the Ottoman Empire after the forthcoming end of the war and is in agreement with the idea of the creation of a „national homestead“ for the jews in this area

1920 · the Treaty of San Remo assignes United Kingdom as a mandate of the League of Nations the countries Palestine, Transjordan and Iraq

1922 · Palestine (including Jordan) becomes a British mandate of the League of Nations

1923 · Jordan becomes separated es Emirate of Transjordan

1929 · bloody quarrels between Arabs and Jews

1936 · after a many years lasting strong jewish immigration and none reaction of the British mandate force and none guaranties for the independence of an Arabian Palestine arises an Arabian national rebellion

1939 · annihilation of the last Arabian resistance, British promise for a common jewish - arabian state within 10 years

1942 · Zionists claim in New York the formation of a jewish state within Palestine

29th of November in 1947 · UN-Resulution about the formation of a jewish state (Israel) and an arabian state (Palestine) on the area of the mandate territory of Palestine → dismissed by the Arabs → civil war

14th of May in 1948 · the British mandate for Palestine ends, proclamation of the State of Israel

1948–1949 · Israeli-Arabian war, annexation of 2.590 square miles of Arabian territory by Israel, expulsion of the here resident Arabian population, the Palestinians disclaim the proclamation of an Arabian state because this will imply the recognition of the partition of the country and the Israeli annexations

1950 · "Return Act", all jews which settle in Israel get immediately the citizenship, 1,7 millions of jews come into the country

24th of April in 1950 · Transjordan assumes the administration of the Western Jordan Land and calls itself now Jordan, Egypt assumes the administration of the Ghaza Stripe

29th of October in 1956 · Israeli aggression against Egypt, occupation of the Sinai peninsula and the Ghaza Stripe → intervention of the USA, the Soviet Union and the UN

25th of December in 1956 · the Israeli troops have to leave the Sinai, stationing of UN-troops

8th of March in 1957 · the Israeli troops have to leave the den Ghaza Stripe, stationing of UN-troops

1967 · withdrawal of the UN-troops

5th of June in 1967 · Israel attacks Egypt, Syria and Jordan and occupies within six days ("Six Days War") the whole Sinai peninsula, the Ghaza Stripe, the Western Jordan Land, East Jerusalem and the Syrian Golan height

6th of October in 1973 · Egypt and Syria attack Israel unsuccessfully to win back the occupied territories (Jom Kippur War)

1988 · Jordan disconnects itself from the Western Jordan Land

13th of September in 1993 · arrangement between Israel and the PLO, withdrawal of the Israeli troops from the Ghaza stripe and Jericho, establishing of a limited local Palestinian self administration

1994 · establishment of first Palestinian Autonomy Administrations in Jericho and in the Ghaza Stripe

1995 · partial withdrawal of the Israeli troops from the Western Jordan Land, Palestinian Autonomy Administrations in further towns

1996 · election of the Palestinian Autonomy Counsel with a President on the top

2007 · struggles between the Palestinian factions of Hamas and Fatah, Hamas conquers the whole Ghaza Stripe and claims the leadership in Palestine

7th of October in 2023 · Hamas invades the surrounding Israeli territory from the Ghaza Strip and covers the region with religiously charged terror; within two days, Israel regains control over its territories and fights Hamas structures in the Ghaza Strip in the weeks that follow

* The Christian chronicity was established by Dionysius Exiguus (ca. 470 – ca. 550), an in Rome living Scythian monk. He introduced since the year 525 – meanwhile he became an abbot – the Christian chronicity. At the listing of the Easter tables in the year 532 he calculated as starting position from the „Year of Incarnation of the Lord“. During this work he made a mistake which was realized not until the modern times and was not more corrected. Jesus Christ was really born 3 to 7 years before the "Year Zero".

Source: Atlas zur Geschichte, World Statesmen, Wikipedia (DE)


Origin of the Country's Name

The name "Palestine" was given by the Greek to the land "Judäa" about 500 B.C. It means "Country of the Philistines". The Palestinians call it "Filastin". In the bible it was named "Kanaan". The Christs call it further "Holy Land", the Jews "Praised Land".

Source: Handbuch der geographischen Namen


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