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Transcaucasian Soviet Socialist Republic




Meaning/Origin of the Flag


Flagge Fahne flag Transkaukasische Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik Transcaucasian Socialist Soviet Republic
Flag of the Transcaucasian Socialist Soviet Republic,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Flags of the World


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

The federation that existed between 1922 and 1936 had its own flag. It was not dissimilar to the flag of Soviet Russia between 1918 and 1924. Initially, it was a single-coloured red with the country's initials in gold in the upper corner. Later, the flag showed a star with a hammer and sickle in the upper corner and the country's initials in a semicircle around it.

Source: Flags of the World, Volker Preuß

look also:
Flag history of the soviet republics of the USSR


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