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Easter Island




Meaning/Origin of the Flag

Numbers and Facts


Origin of the Country's Name


Flagge Fahne flag National flag Osterinsel Easter Island Rapa Nui Rapanui Isla de Pascua
official flag of the Province of Easter Island and Sala y Gomez,
ratio = 5:8,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag National flag Osterinsel Easter Island Rapa Nui Rapanui Isla de Pascua
official flag of the municipality of Easter Island,
ratio = 3:5,
Source, by: Flags of the World


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

The flag of the Community of Easter island shows the legendary bird Tangata Manu, an in the history of the island significant cult object, in gold on a white bunting. All around, the name of the community in Spanish. The flag of the province an unofficial flag of the island shows a red Rei Miro, a traditional necklace of the islanders, on a white bunting. This flag represents the natives of the island.

Source: Flags of the World


Numbers and Facts

Area: 63 square miles

Inhabitants: 7.750 (2017), thereof 60% Rapanui, 39% Europeans

Density of Population: 123 inh./sq.mi.

Hauptort: Hanga Roa, 3.304 inh. (2002)

official Language: Spanish

other Languages: Rapanui

Currency: Chilean currency

Time Zone: GMT – 6 h

Source: Wikipedia (DE)



5th/6th century · settlement of the island by Polynesians

14th century · further settlement of the island by Polynesians

5th of April 1722 · the Dutch seafarer Jakob Roggeveen discovers the island on easter sunday

15th of November 1770 · appropriation by Spain

13th/17th of March 1774 · the British seafarer James Cook visits the island

1786 · the French seafarer Jean-François de La Pérouse visits the island

1859–1861 · slave hunting by Peruvian seafarers, penetration of disease, decimation of population

1866–1876 · rule of the Frenchman Dutroux-Bornier, decimation of population

9th of September 1888 · appropriation by Chile

1914 · revolt of the islanders

1914–1967 · law of war

Source: Wikipedia (D), World Statesmen


Origin of the Country's Name

The "Easter Island" owes its name its discovery on easter sunday the 5th of April in 1722 by the Dutch seafarer Jakob Roggeveen.

Source: Volker Preuß



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