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Meaning/Origin of the Flag


Numbers and Facts


Origin of the Country's Name


Flagge Fahne flag Byzantinisches Reich Byzanz Ostrom Oströmisches Reich East Roman Empire Byzantium Romaeic Empire East Rome
Flagge of Byzantium,
Source, by: Die Welt der Flaggen

Flagge Fahne flag Byzantinisches Reich Byzanz Ostrom Oströmisches Reich East Roman Empire Byzantium Romaeic Empire East Rome
13th to 15th century,
Standard of the emperor,
Source, by: Die Welt der Flaggen


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

The symbol of the Byzantian Empire waa a golden twin headed eagle on red ground. As flag of the empire this symbol got far spreaded since the 11th century. In the practice the flag was frequently added by further symbols, sic the heraldry of the respective house of the sovereigns or Christus monograms, or the eagle was golden circumscribed. The emperors had personal standards, which gave back the heraldry of the respective house of the sovereigns. The Paleologes (Palaiologes) combined in their standard the of cross St. George with a golden cross, which contained in his corners four fire steels. This symbol is until today used by Serbia, and has his origin probably in the heraldry of the Order of the Golden Fleece, it could even be four times the Greek letters "B" sein. => Baleologes

Source: Die Welt der Flaggen



The Byzantine Empire in the 5th century:

Source: Professor G. Droysens Allgemeiner Historischer Handatlas


Numbers and Facts

Capital: Constantinople (today's Istanbul)

official Language: Greek

Source: Atlas zur Geschichte, Weltgeschichte



395 · partition of the Roman Empire into East Roman and West Roman Empire

399–401 · repulse of the Gotes

531–562 · war against the Persian Empire

533–534 · conquest of the Wandalic Empire

535–554 · conquest of the East Gotic Empire

568 · loss of upper Italy to the Langobardes

627 · victorious war against the Persian Empire

642–643 · Arabian invades

718 · repulse of the Arabs

1081–1185 · repulse of the Petscheneges

1204–1261 · Latin Empire of Konstantinopel, therewith shattering of Byzanz into the Empire of Nicaea, the Empire of Trebizond and the Despotate of Epirus

1261 · re-conquest of Konstantinopel

1453 · conquest of Konstantinopel by the Turks (Ottoman Empire)

1461 · conquest of Trebizond by the Turks

Source: Atlas zur Geschichte, Weltgeschichte


Origin of the Country's Name

The country can be found in historiography under many names: Byzantine Empire, Byzantium, Eastern Rome, East Roman Empire, Eastern Roman Empire, Romëic Empire, Byzantine Empire. The name of the country goes back to the partition of the Roman Empire in 395 into an Eastern Roman and a Western Roman Empire. Even this country's name goes back to a locality, the city of Rome. The Western Roman Empire fell relatively quickly, in 476 with the deposition of the last Roman emperor Romulus Augustulus, and in 486 with the fall of the Empire of Syagrius as the last Roman governor. The Eastern Roman Empire still existed for many centuries and because the Roman Empire with Western Rome had almost perished, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire – Byzantium – became the center of the Roman world, as the proverbial Second Rome. This is also to see in the self-image of the country, which called itself Basileía Rhōmaíōn (Imperium Romanum), in the local language Greek. The inhabitants did not see themselves as Greeks either, but as "Romëans", i.e. Romans. Some historians, chroniclers and contemporary witnesses also named the country after the capital, where the name Byzantine Empire comes from, even if the city was renamed in "Constantinopolis" in the year 337, after the death of Emperor Constantine. The name Constantinople was retained for the city until it was conquered by the Turks in 1453, who renamed the city in "Istānbūl", even though "Kostantiniyye" was still used during a transitional period.

Source: Wikipedia (D), Volker Preuss



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