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Kingdom of Two Sicilies




Meaning/Origin of the Flag

Coat of Arms

Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms

Map of the historical states in Italy

Numbers and Facts


Origin of the Country's Name

Map of the today's regions of Italy


Flagge Fahne flag bandiera Königreich beider Sizilien Neapel Kingdom of Two Sicilies Naples Regno delle Due Sicilie Napoli
National flag,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Königreich beider Sizilien Kingdom of Two Sicilies Regno delle Due Sicilie Neapel Naples State flag Merchant flag state flag merchant flag
State and merchant flag,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Königreich beider Sizilien Kingdom of Two Sicilies Regno delle Due Sicilie Neapel Naples State flag Merchant flag state flag merchant flag
State and merchant flag,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Königreich beider Sizilien Kingdom of Two Sicilies Regno delle Due Sicilie Neapel Naples State flag state flag
State flag,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Königreich beider Sizilien Kingdom of Two Sicilies Regno delle Due Sicilie Neapel Naples Standarte König standard king re
Flag of the King,
Source, by: Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Parthenopäische Republik Parthenopean Republic Repubblica Partenopea
The Kingdom is momentary the "Parthenopean Republic",
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

The flags of the Kingdom showed mostly the coat of arms of the Bourbons. Their colour was white. The meaning or origin of the colour combination of blue and white in the national flag is not cleared. After all, it is possible that the two colors have their roots the Republic of Amalfi, one of the four maritime republics, which came in the middle ages to power and prosperity by trade. The town was even a duchy in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and is placed not far from Naples. Its colors were white and blue.

Source: Flags of the World, Volker Preuß



Wappen coat of arms Königreich beider Sizilien Königreich beider Sizilien Kingdom of Two Sicilies Regno delle Due Sicilie Neapel Naples
Coat of arms of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies,
Source, by: Wikipedia (D)


Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms

The richly structured shield shows the heraldry of the Spanish Bourbons with all its then current possessions, titles and claims. Decisive is the Bourbon central shield with the three golden lilies on blue.

Source: Wikipedia (EN), Volker Preuß


Historical states in Italy, ca. 1850–1858

all state denominations in English:
interaktive Landkarte
Source: Volker Preuß


Numbers and Facts

Area: 43.204 square miles (ca. 1860)

Inhabitants: 8.700.000 (ca. 1860)

Density of Population: 201 inh./sq.mi. (ca. 1860)

Capital: Naples (ital.: Napoli)

Language: Italian

Source: Meyers Konversationslexikon



Antiquity · settlement by Iapygiers, Siculians, Oskers and Sabellians, Greek colonization

480 B.C. · rejection of an Kathagian invasion on Sicily Island, however growing influence of Karthago

450 B.C. · foundation of Naples as Greek colony Neapolis

298 B.C. · Naples becomes an ally of Rome

264–201 B.C. · First Punic War, Sicily becomes a Roman province

410 A.D. · invasion of the Western Goth

from 440 · the Vandals infest the island nearly annually

476 · dismissal of the last Roman emperor Romulus Augustulus, end of the (West)Roman Empire, Naples belongs until 493 to the Empire of the Odoaker

493 · the Eastern Goth occupy the island

544 · conquest of Sicily Island by Byzanz (East Roman Empire)

568/569 · the Langobardes capture a large part South Italy, and establish there the Duchy of Benevent, Naples itself remains Byzantian

774 · conquest of Northern Italy by the Franks, the Duchy of Benevent comes under Frankish supremacy, Naples itself remains Byzantian

827 · conquest of Sicily by the Arabs, further invasion in Calabria

888 · after the extinction of the Carolingians disintegrates the Duchy of Benevent into several Langobardian principalities

1130 · Lower Italy with the Langobardian principalities, Naples Town, and the from the Byzantians left Norman territorities get united with the Norman Kingdom of Sicily

1061–1091 · conquest of Sicily by the Normans, establishment of the Kingdom of Sicily

1194 · the Kingdom of Sicily comes to the House of Hohenstaufen

1266 · the Kingdom of Sicily comes to the House of Anjou, Naples becomes perpetual capital of the Empire

1282 · "Sicilian Vespers" – by a uprising comes the Island of Sicily as a kingdom to the House of Aragón, Lower Italy remains as Kingdom of Sicily (unofficial: Kingdom of Naples) until 1442 at Anjou

1495 · Charles VIII., King of France, conqueres the Kingdom of Naples and becomes crowned as king

1496 · Ferdinand II., King of Aragon, conqueres - with Spanish help - the Kingdom of Naples back, after his death in the same year, his uncle Frederick becomes King

1501–1502 · war of Spain and France against Naples

1503–1504 · war between France and Spain to Naples, the Kingdom of Naples becomes a Spanish possession

1516 · the Kingdom of Naples comes to the House Habsburg

1556 · the Kingdom of Naples comes to the Spanish line of the House of Habsburg

1701–1714 · Spanish heritage succession war

1714 · peace treaty of Utrecht, the Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of Sardinia come to the House of the Austrian Habsburgs, Kingdom of Sicily comes to Savoy-Piedmont

1720 · the House of Savoy-Piedmont swaps with Austria Sicily in return for Sardinia, the Kingdom of Sicily comes in this way to the House of Habsburg (Kingdom of Naples-Sicily)

1734 · the House of Habsburg leaves the Kingdom of Naples-Sicily to the House of the Spanish Bourbons

1796 · Italy campaign of Napoléon, Lower Italy becomes in 1799 Parthenopeic Republic and in 1800 Kingdom of Naples again, but it is ruled until 1814 by Napoléon's relatives, Sicily remains at the House of Bourbon

1815 · Vienna Congress, the Kingdom Sicily and the Kingdom of Naples come to the Spanish Bourbons

8th of December in 1816 · establish of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies under the Spanish Bourbons

1860 · Garibaldi's campaign against the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, the king exiles, Garibaldi acts as dictator

1861 · the Kingdom of Two Sicilies has to join the Kingdom of Italy

Source: Meyers Konversationslexikon, Atlas zur Geschichte, Wikipedia (D)


Origin of the Country's Name

The name "Sicily" goes back to the people of the Siculians, which lived on the island in the antiquity times. As a second name the island was called "Trinacria", what menas "The tricuspid".

The Kingdom of Sicily, consisting of the island and the mainland was divided by the Sicilian Vespers in 1282. Now there were two kings of Sicily. One - from the House of Aragon - resided on the island, in Palermo, the other - from the House of Anjou - resided on the mainland, in Naples. Both dominions recognized each other in the peace treaty of Caltabellota (1302), but the kingdom on the island of Sicily was called "Kingdom of Trinacria", and the title of the King of Sicily remained with the king of Naples. Thus, there was an island of Sicily with a kingdom on it, and a Kingdom of Sicily which existed not on the island.

For a better distinguish the Mainland-Sicily in practice was called "Regno di Sicilia Citeriore", but the Island-Sicily was called "Regno di Sicilia ulteriore". Sometimes the Island-Sicily was called as Kingdom of Sicily Mainland-Sicily as Kingdom of Naples. Both Sicilies were handed over to the Spanish Bourbons at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, which unite them on 8th of December in 1816 under one crown, the "Kingdom of the Two Sicilies".

Source: Handbuch der geographischen Namen


Today's regions of Italy

all denominations in Italian
interaktive Landkarte
Source: Volker Preuß



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