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Meaning/Origin of the Flag

Coat of Arms

Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms

Aircraft Roundel


Numbers and Facts


Origin of the Country's Name

Panama Canal Zone


Flagge Fahne flag National flag State flag Naval flag national merchant flag flag state flag Panama
National, merchant and naval flag,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: Corel Draw 4

Flagge Fahne flag Naval jack naval jack Panama
Naval jack,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge Fahne flag Präsident president Panama
Standard of the President,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN), Corel Draw 4


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

The flag of Panama is quartered and shows a combination of the colours white, red and blue. In the both white fields each one blue respectively red fivepointed star. It was hoisted for the first time on 3rd of November in 1903 (by other sources on 1st of November in 1903 or 20th of December in 1903), and officially confirmed on 4th of June in 1904. The law number 48 of 1925 confirmed the flag and defined its appearance exactly, including the colours, although only "red" and "blue" are mentioned here without specifying the colours. In practice, a strong red and a dark blue are used, with Pantone 2768 for blue and Pantone 1788 for red coming close. The colours red and blue should be the colours of the both political parties. Red stands for the Liberals (Colorados) and blue for the Conservatives and white for the peace between them. The blue star stands for common honesty and uprightness, the red star for law and order in the state. Just as should the stars represent the both towns on both sides of the Panama Canal: Panamá at the Pacific Ocean, Colon at the Caribbean Sea. But, not accidentally the flag remembers the stars and stripes banner of the USA, the obstetrician of Panama. It is a design by the first president of Panama Manuel Amador Guerrero.

Source: Flaggen Wappen Hymnen, Flaggen und Coat of arms of the Welt


Coat of Arms

Wappen coat of arms Panama
Coat of arms of Panama,
Source: Corel Draw 4


Meaning/Origin of the Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of the state was introduced in 1904. The weapons in the white left up field remember the violent separation from Colombia. The tools in the red right up field remember the construction of Panama Canal. In the big midfield a scenery. It shows the broken down Isthmus of Panama as well as sun and moon. In the blue left down field a golden cornucopia. It stands for the by the canal to expect wealth. In the white field right below a golden wing-wheel. It stands for the traffic. The nine stars represent the nine provinces of the country.

Source: Flaggen Wappen Hymnen


Aircraft Roundel

Flugzeugkokarde Kokarde aircraft roundel kockade Panama
Aircraft Roundel,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)




Source: CIA World Factbook

Map of the country:

Source: CIA World Factbook


Numbers and Facts

Area: 29.157 square miles

Inhabitants: 4.300.000 (2020), thereof 60% Mestizos, 15% Blacks, 13% Europeans, 8% native Indians

Religions: 86% Roman Catholic, 10% Protestant

Density of Population: 147 inh./sq.mi.

Capital: Panamá (Ciudad de Panamá), 813.097 inh. (2017)

official Language: Spanish

other Languages: Native American languages, English

Currencyen: 1 Balboa (PAB, B) = 100 Centésimos, 1 US-Dollar (US$) = 100 Cents

Time Zone: GMT – 5 h

Source: Wikipedia (D), CIA World Factbook



1501 · discovery of the northern coast and appropriation for Spain by the Spanish seafarer Rodrigo Galván de Bastidas

1513 · the Spaniard Vasco Núñez de Balboa ranges as first European the Isthmus of Panama and sees the Pacific Ocean

1516 · foundation of Panamá City, colonization of the country, annexion by the Vice-Kingdom of Peru

1739 · formation of the Vice-Kingdom of New Granada, which includes the today's countries Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Panama

20th of July 1810 · proclamation of the independence from Spain by New Granada

1810–1819 · independence war against Spain under leadership of Simón Bolívar

1819 · proclamation of the Republic of Great Colombia (former Vice-Kingdom of New Granada)

1830 · Venezuela and Ecuador separate themselves by civil wars from Great Colombia, Great Colombia gets renamed in Republic of New Granada

1856 · military intervention of the USA

1858 · the Republic of New Granada gets renamed in Granadian Confederation (Colombia)

1860 · military intervention of the USA

1861 · proclamation of the United States of Colombia

1885 · military intervention of the USA

1886 · proclamation of the Republic of Colombia

1895 · military intervention of the USA

1901–1902 · military intervention of the USA

3rd of November 1903 · separation of Panama from Colombia under support of the USA

18th of Novemeber 1903 · Hay-Bunau-Treaty between USA and Panama, the USA lease the Canal Zone "for eternal times"

15th of August 1914 · opening of the Panama Canal

25th of January 1955 · revision of the canal leasing treaty between USA and Panama

1968 · military coup d’état

1973 · first ambitions of Panama to get back the sovereignty ober the Canal Zone

7th of Septemebr 1977 · Torrijos-Carter-Treaty → new Canal Zone Treaty

1st of October 1979 · the Torrijos-Carter Canal-Treaty comes into power, perhaps the half of the area of the Panama Canal Zone gets ceded to Panama, administration, operation and defense of the Panama Canal Zone will be mutual done until the 31st of December 1999 by the USA and by Panama

1989 · declaration of war to the USA, invasion by US-troops

1996 · agreement for stationing of US-troops at the canal after the handover to Panama

14th of December 1999 · handing over of the Canal Zone to Panama

31st of December 1999 · Panama gets the full sovereignty over the area, the Panama Canal Zone ends its existence

Source: Atlas zur Geschichte, World Statesmen, Wikipedia (DE)


Origin of the Country's Name

The name "Panama" descents from the language of the native Indians. It means: "Place rich of Fishes".

Source: Handbuch der geographischen Namen


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