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Historical Flags

Meaning/Origin of the Flag


Numbers and Facts


Origin of the Country's Name


Flagge Fahne Flag ensign USA Staat Bundesstaat Federal State Kalifornien Californien California
since 1911,
Civil and state flag,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN),, Corel Draw 4


Historical Flags

Flagge Fahne Flag ensign USA Staat Bundesstaat Federal State Kalifornien Californien California
Lone Star Flag,
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge Fahne Flag ensign USA Staat Bundesstaat Federal State Kalifornien Californien California
Flag of California,
ratio = 2:3,
Source, by: World Statesmen

Flagge Fahne flag Stars and Stripes USA Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika United States of America
since July 1846,
Flag of the USA (1846–1847),
ratio = 10:19(?),
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)

Flagge Fahne flag Konföderierte Staaten von Amerika Confederate States of America CSA Südstaaten National flag national flag
Stars and Bars (CSA) "Gillis Flag",
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN), Corel Draw 4

Flagge Fahne flag Stars and Stripes USA Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika United States of America
to February 1911,
Flag of the USA (1908–1912),
ratio = 10:19(?),
Source, by: Wikipedia (EN)


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

The flag of California shows a large white field above a red horizontal stripe with a brown bear on a green pedestal, the name of the state and a red, five-pointed star in the upper corner. The star dates back to 1836, when the autonomy movement of California, which belonged to Mexico, designed a white flag with a red five-pointed star in it. The star stood for peace and was also intended as a reminder of the "Lone Star of Texas". The "Lone Star" is a flag symbol that symbolises a lone star that wants to join the other stars in the US flag; it symbolises the desire to join the USA. This was not only the case in Texas or California, but also in West Florida, Cuba and Puerto Rico. As a result of the Mexican-US-american War (1846–1848), California seceded from Mexico and a flag was officially introduced for the country. It was designed by William Todd and first hoisted on 14th of June in 1846, when US settlers in Sonoma proclaimed the Republic of California. This flag originally showed two horizontal stripes in white and red in a ratio of 5:1 and in the upper corner of the broad white stripe the red star and a red bear (symbolising strength) and below it the name of the state. On 7th of July in 1846, Commodore John Drake Sloat of the US Navy's Pacific Squadron took down the Bear Flag in Monterey, the capital of Alta California, and hoisted the flag of the USA for the first time, claiming California for the United States. From this point onwards, the flag of the USA flew over the country. The bear flag was only revived during the Civil War (1861–1865) by groups supporting the Confederate States (CSA). On 4th of July in 1861, Major J. P. Gillis briefly unfurled the Confederate flag, the "Stars and Bars", then in use in the CSA. The bear flag was revived and reintroduced on 3rd of February in 1911, somewhat modified, as the flag of the State of California. It showed a brown bear on a green pedestal above the narrow red stripe in the centre of the wide white stripe, with the name of the state proclaimed in 1846 below and the red, five-pointed star in the upper corner. The design was described in the statute of 1911, but was not standardised, so that there were different designs in the details. In 1953, the appearance of the flag was standardised and the current design was introduced. Today, the red stripe stands for courage, the white for purity, the star for sovereignty and the bear for strength. In the USA, this flag is often jokingly referred to as the "communist flag" because it shows a bear and even a red star. "Bears" is a joking term for the (Soviet) Russians.

Source:, Wikipedia (EN), Volker Preuß



clickable Map of the federal states of the USA:

Source: Printable Maps

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Numbers and Facts

Area: 163.695 square miles

Inhabitants: 39.538.223 (2020), thereof 38% Hispanics, 24% Whites (thereof 42% with German roots), 15% Asian, 7% Blacks (Afro-Americans), 2% native Indian

Density of Population: 242 inh./sq.mi.

Capital: Sacramento, 524.943 inh. (2020)

official Language: English

other Languages: Spanish, Chinese

Currency: US-American currency

Time Zone: GMT – 8 h

Source: Wikipedia (DE)



about 8000 B.C. · Settlement by Indians

1542 · the Spanish seafarer Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo reached the coast of the country and takes it formally in possession for Spain

1579 · the English seafarer Sir Francis Drake reached the coast of the country and takes it formally in possession for England

1587–1603 · the Spanish seafarers Pedro de Unamuno (1587), Sebastian Rodriquez Cermeno (1595) and Sebastian Vizcaino (1602-1603) explore the coast

1602 · California (Southern California, now part of Mexico) becomes a part of the Spanish Viceroyalty of New Spain

ca. 1650–1770 · Spanish exploration of northern California (Alta California, today's California)

1770 · Spanish colonization, establishment of mission stations

1776 · foundation of San Francisco as a Spanish Franciscan mission

1812 · foundation of Fort Ross as a Russian colony and base

1821 · independence for Mexico, California becomes a province of Mexico

1839 · the Swiss Johann August Sutter founds the colony of New Helvetia at the coast north of San Francisco

1841 · New Helvetia gets Fort Ross from Russia

1846–1848 · Mexican-US-american War, US-american settlers proclaim the independence of California (California Republic) in 1846, Mexico loses in the war about 40% of its territory to the United States, including California (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on 2nd of February in 1848)

Autumn 1848 · Sutter loses New Helvetia in the wake of the California Gold Rush

9th of September 1850 · California becomes the 31st State of the USA

1854 · Sacramento becomes the capital of California

Source: Atlas zur Geschichte, Wikipedia (DE), Discovery '97, Volker Preuß


Origin of the Country's Name

The origin of the name California, there are three theories:
1st) The name is Spanish and Latin origin as the composition of the word "caliente" and "fornax", which means "hot stove".
2nd) The name comes from Greek mythology, dating back to the Amazon Queen "Kalliphia" and was given the land by the Spaniards because of the emergence of female Native American warriors.
3rd) The name comes from a novel published in 1510 by the Spaniard Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo, which occurs in a legendary land of gold called "California".

Source: Handbuch der geographischen Namen



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