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British Western Pacific Territories




Meaning/Origin of the Flag

Numbers and Facts



Flagge Fahne flag Hoher Beauftragter Britische Westpazifische Territorien High Commissioner British Western Pacific Territories
Flag of the High Commissioner,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: World Statesmen, Flags of the World

Flagge Fahne flag Hoher Beauftragter Britische Westpazifische Territorien High Commissioner British Western Pacific Territories
Flag of the High Commissioner,
ratio = 1:2,
Source, by: World Statesmen, Flags of the World


Meaning/Origin of the Flag

The British Western Pacific Territories did not have an own flag. The separate components had one, if it was a colony de jure, because since 1865 ships of colonial governments were permitted to fly the Blue Ensign with a badge in the flying end of the flag.

Source: Die Welt der Flaggen


Numbers and Facts

Seat of Government: 1877–1952 Suva (Fiji Islands), 1952–1967 Honiara (Solomon Islands)

Source: World Statesmen



Under the name "British Western Pacific Territories" (established in 1877) had summarized all British possessions in the (western) Pacific, which did not had been a self-administrated colony. Those possessions indeed had been British possessions, but je jure no colonies, and had not been subordinated under a governor. The High Commissioner for the Western Pacific was responsible for those islands. Until 1952 that function was bond on the function of the governor of Fiji. It was abolished in the year 1976. Between 1877 and 1976 belonged some archipelagos for different times to the British Western Pacific Territories:

1877–1906, New Hebrides (today's Vanuatu)

1877–1901, Pitcairn

1877–1901, Cook Islands

1877–1901, Niue

1914–1920, Nauru

1877–1926, Union-Inseln (today's Tokelau)

1877–1939, Phoenix-Inseln (today part of Kiribati)

(1877) 1900–1952, Tonga

1877–1971, Gilbert and Ellice Islands (heute Kiribati and Tuvalu)

1877–1974, Solomon Islands

Source: World Statesmen



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